Thursday 13 September 2012

Time saving abbreviations on Facebook and Twitter for quick conversation

Here is a list of most frequently used abbreviations on the social network: 
  1. LMAO:               Laugh My Ass Off
  2. BRB:                  Be Right Back
  3. TTYL:                 Talk To You Later
  4. SD:                     Sweet Dreams
  5. ASAP:                 As Soon As Possible
  6. ROFL:                Rolling On Floor Laughing
  7. 143:                    I Love You
  8. 1432:                  I Love You too
  9. 404:                    No Clue
  10. HAND:               Have A Nice Day
  11. BTW:                  By The Way
  12. Zzz:                    Sleeping
  13. WU?:                What's Up?
  14. TIA:                   Thanks In Advance
  15. TM:                   Trust Me
  16. OMG:               Oh My God
  17. WTF:               What The F**k    (Not to mention  ;) )
  18. BOT:                Back On Topic
  19. WTH:               What The Hell
  20. LOL:                Laugh Out Loud
  21. ASL:                 Age Sex Language
By using these abbreviations, you can: 
  • Chat Smartly
  • Save time
  • If someone uses these abbreviations, you won't look naive. Of course you could always search it on Google  though ;)

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